Friday, April 6, 2012

Best Birthday Ever...

Sunday, April 1st was my 25th birthday and I woke up that morning like I did any Sunday morning. Begging David to take Bella outside to pee at 7:30am so that I could sleep in J. David got up and took our little drama queen outside and fed her breakfast while I managed to sleep in a few more hours. 

After waking up again, I got ready for our day ahead. David and I drove to Wolfville to eat at my favourite pub (Paddy’s Pub). When we arrived in the small town of Wolfville David said “I think mom and Shaun are here today” and sure enough as we drove up the street we could see the Green Viper. We saw them right away and took a seat at the table next to them which also happened to be my favourite table by the window.

I had my dinner (crab cakes) and during our meal David’s mother told the waitress it was my birthday. When it was time to order desert I order my apple turn over (which was the main reason I wanted to go there....YUMM) she came out with a candle lit and Happy Birthday written on the plate in strawberry sauce. I was beaming with delight! 

When we left the pub David and I decided to go up to the Look Off (which is at the top of Bloomidon) It was the most beautiful day! We parked along the guard rail, and made our way to the edge of the cliff. There were other people there, so David made the suggestion to walk to the other end  of the railing, to see if we could get a better view. I agreed and when we got further along there was a small field and no one around. I had a scarf with me so I laid it on the ground and took a seat. The view is breath taking and the day was so perfect you could see for miles. I was looking the opposite way of david when I said “I never want to leave it’s so beautiful”. This is when David said “Danielle.... there is something I want to tell you” 

I turned back to look at him and he went on “I did actually get you something for your birthday....I wrote you a poem” this is when he reached inside of his jacket pocket. He unfolded the paper and started to read... “well I tried to write a poem but I wrote a letter instead” He read out the exact number of years, months, days minutes, and seconds we were together. I laughed at this and the further he read the more heart felt I realized the letter was. It was the most perfect love letter I’ve ever heard and as he neared the end I could see he started shaking. This is when it dawned on me what the letter was really for. I was wearing sun glasses and I quickly pulled them off my face so that he could see my eyes.  

With a smile, he got on one knee and asked me the question I have been waiting for for so long. 

Will you marry me?

I screamed YES! And started to squeal and squeal, which David had to shhh me because people would think he fell over the cliff J. I was beyond Happy, the most happy I`ve ever felt in my life.

We waited till my birthday dinner that night to tell our family and friends. Which they were all ecstatic (David did ask my parents for their blessing around 2 months ago). There was lots of laughter and a few happy tears.  

That night we were still on cloud 9, so we were up late watching tv and talking. The Junos were on, and I wanted to see City and Colour (for those who know me I’m a very very big fan of Dallas). Prior to this I had submitted a wedding photo of my parents on twitter to Dallas because he said he would use them for his performance. Sure enough near the end of the performance there they were on the large screen above his head. So the day I get engaged my parents wedding photo is shown nationwide on the Junos.

The other part about this story that David later told me was he was actually contemplating proposing to me at the City and Colour show back in February but couldn’t think of a way to do it. So Karma works in mysterious ways J

My parents are shown at 3:20 :)

Best Day of my Life! :)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

Happy Birthday too me!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hi Again!

Sup!...So I have been lagging at this blogging stuff and decided to give you guys an update.

 Last August I finally got a job in my field....Human Resources if you have forgotten. I'm a people person so I have a people person job. Things have been going great and I have learned more in the past 6 months than 5 years of University. Guess Momma Bear was always right when she said if I think I know everything now the real world is going to kick my ..... butt.

Regardless I love it! Love the people I work with, love the work I do, everything is fantastic (don't get me wrong there are days I come home and see that full bottle of wine on my counter and think twice about drinking the whole thing in 10 minutes) Then I remember I have work again the next day and think twice about that decision.

Side note: I don't know how my mother worked and had kids, she was obviously too busy to become an alcoholic.

Regardless I feel like a lucky duck.

So yeah, a short update but it's still an up-date! Don't get needy and ask me for more, I'll write again sooner than the last time...I somewhat promise...ish.

I'm Hungry now

- D

Sunday, October 2, 2011


So, it’s been months since I’ve written a blog and after some reminders to write from some kind people I’m giving it a go again.
First off, David and I got a puppy! It was complete surprise to me! It all happened on September 9th and I was late coming home from work. David was texting me a bit more than usual about when I’d be home. Which I didn’t think was odd at the time but now I do. Anyway I walked up the front steps to our house and there was David standing at the doorway. I smiled and said Hi, but he just stood there smiling until I was closer. Then his smile grew larger and he said “Now I got you something today, but you can’t scream” Sarcastically I replied “What did you get me a puppy?” and with that David opened the door, and there she was! I’m not sure how he walked over to the other side of the room but for me the world just kind of stopped. David grabbed his cell phone and started filming me. To sum up the video it is just me saying “Is she mine?!" over and over and David "Yes she is" At one point I said “I think I’m going to throw up" (mind you, I’ve wanted a puppy for 6 years and David’s always said no)

That was 3 weeks ago and Bella (her name) is now 4 months old. She’s a golden retriever, and she’s potty trained, can fetch, sit and lay down. I’m one happy momma.

So that’s been a huge change on my life, the first 12 days it was just Bella and me. David went away two weekends in a row and worked nights all week. Of course he’d finally get me a puppy and then just leave us to fend for ourselves. FYI: The first day of having a puppy will be the best day of your life, and the first night will be the worst night of your life. She cried and cried in her crate and it just broke my heart, not to mention we didn’t sleep at all. Now she loves her crate so much, when I annoy her by trying to snuggle too much, she’ll get up and go in there to get away from me.  

Anyway I gotta go cause it's dinner time for Ms. Bella and Me.

- D

Monday, June 20, 2011

Quebec Trip 2011

Alrighty, so it’s been a busy last couple of days. This past weekend my friend and I travelled to Quebec and Montreal to see one of my favourite musicians (Chuck Ragan) play a show. So here is Quebec trip 2011 with Krystles.
Thursday I was awake at 3:45am...I was not the happiest camper to be awake that early but I was excited! (Did you know the sun rises at 5am? I do now) I was at Krystle’s by 5:30am and away we went. I really can’t remember any of the first 400klm of the trip, I think I fully woke up somewhere in the middle of New Brunswick. Once we hit Quebec (is there no welcome to Quebec sign?) I wish I had paid better attention in French class as the signs were a little confusing.
First night in Quebec was a write off. Krystle and I took turns driving and it took us 11 and a half hours to get there (pee breaks included). Thanks to Stella (the name for my GPS, because everyone should name their GPS) we arrived safely. The first night we went out to dinner at a pub around the corner and we had terrible service and food but we were so tired we didn’t care. (Editors note: the people we met in Quebec were amazing, so nice and always helping us out this was the only terrible experience) After dinner we walked down the street and picked up a bottle of wine, then went back to the hotel had one glass and passed out.
Day 2: We were out the door by 9am and thanks to our hotel’s concierge who was the sweetest girl ever! She gave us a map and drew out our route. So we hopped on a bus (which for those of you who know me, I’ve been on a bus now 7 times my entire life) and up to old Quebec we went. It is sooo beautiful! LOVE that place! We walked around, shopped, ate at a cute little pub and had an amazing time. I learned if you look at a sales clerk shocked and confused they'll switch from French to English.
After shopping all morning we made our way back to the hotel to get ready for the show then headed to the venue to eat dinner. We were early, and after dinner we went into the bar but no one was there. The bartender came over and talked to us for a good half hour (super nice guy) then we decided to find beer and go back to the hotel to wait. Lucky Quebecers sell their beer at convenience stores which was right beside the bar.
Anyway by the time we went back to the venue the crowds showed up and we were lucky enough to get a table. I went to to the merch table to buy a t-shirt and the fiddle player (John) was selling them. I chatted with him for about 20mins about everything, from us travelling to Quebec to see them, to music and whatnot. He was awesome. Throughout this whole time Chuck was walking around so I finally mustered up the balls and asked him and Dave Hause for a picture, they were super nice and said yes.
Since this post is getting far to long I’ll cut to my favourite part of the entire trip. Chuck was just starting his set and we managed to get the front row. I’m standing there when two guys push their way beside me and start yelling. Mad I crossed my arms and made a angry face. Then one of the drunken guys looks at me and speaks broke French in a Scottish accent. This is where I pulled out my “jes napa pau france”...a little stunned the drunk Scottish/French guy asked me where I was from, I replied Nova Scotia, then he asked if I came all that way just to see Chuck and I said yes. Then he’s like “do a shot!” I nicely declined the offer as I was already a couple of beers in and I wanted to remember Chuck.

The next thing I know the guy leaves comes back with two shots and leans and asks me my favourite song is, I replied "Bleeder". The next thing I know he’s yelling at Chuck to come over to us, Chuck looks and then does walk over. The drunk guy hands Chuck a shot then one to me and replies “Sing Bleeder to her! She came a long way just to see you!” Chuck looks at me, we cheers, take the shot (which burned like hell because I don’t drink Whiskey) and then he walks back to the mic and starts playing Bleeder! the front row of people (who watched all of this) moved me to the center of the crowd and Chuck sangs Bleeder to me. That was the best moment ever. I was one happy camper. The whole trip was worth it in that 4minutes. Also after the show, Chuck gave and signed the setlist for me.  
I’m too lazy to write about Montreal right now, day 3 and 4 will be the next blog post.

- D

Friday, June 3, 2011

I'm Still Here!

I haven’t blogged in a long time and until now I just re-read my last one and it was terrible.  So let’s try this again…
The other week I had a meeting at RIM, which is the coolest building ever! It wasn’t a job interview, it was just a meeting.  So, as I waited for someone to come and meet me (you can’t just walk in that place)  I instinctively pulled out my Blackberry and filled the time with browsing the interweb and BBMing. Then it dawned on me and I realized….they’re probably reading everything I’m writing….Paranoid I turned my phone off immediately, and sat there the rest of the time fidgeting uncomfortably, so badly the security guard probably thought I had ADHD.  I’m pretty sure if someone had tin foil, I would have made a tin foil hat so that they couldn’t read my thoughts. God knows what those tech guys are inventing now an days (in the end the meeting went great)

Me hugging the sign on the way back to the car
 Another event that happened was last weekend I asked my friend if she wanted to go on a hike in Musquodoboit. She said yes, and excited about my second hike ever, I packed a small lunch, camera, and put on my new hiking shoes (“new” because I don’t exercise and until now never had an excuse to wear them) So! we started out on our hike on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. Well, I was under the impression we were going to be going on a nice leisurely hike, and 10 minutes into the hike I realized my drill sergeant friend had a different idea of what a hike should be. Every time I paused for a break she would turn around and say “DO YOU WANT TO FIT IN A WEDDING DRESS OR NOT? LET’s GO!” Alarmed at this idea that I wouldn’t want to be plump on my wedding day I would start moving double step…..Sweating and gasping un controllably, I soon realized, I’m not even engaged! And no plans on it!

So, of course I would slow down again, she would turn and give me a glare, and the thought of being a bride and overweight on my wedding day came back into my head, freaking me out once again and I’d pick up the pace.  (after re reading that last line I just realized how sad my life is, but I’m not going to change it) I believe at one point I even said “I HATE THIS HIKE, and I know I’m complaining a lot but we are not friends right now!” The moral of this story is we’re still friends but I will never hike with her again.
I’m getting tired just writing about that whole experience, and so I’m going to go eat an ice cream sandwich to make myself feel better.
- D

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hump Day!

Again I have nothing else to write about so we’re going to Danielle on the spot thinking.
Well it’s been raining for about 2 weeks now and I’m pretty sure everyone in Nova Scotia is slowly going insane by this and I am no exception. Usually the saying goes, if you don’t like the weather here wait ten minutes and it’ll change. While that is a correct assumption, the weather changes usually within fifteen minutes and the chances are that the sun will come out but wait another fifteen and then it’ll be down pouring rain once more.  Today especially is just one of those days where you feel like punching the rain in the face and stealing it's lunch money.

Anywho enough of that depressing subject, on a lighter note, my best friend came home Monday from 15 months spent in Korea teaching. Krystle has been a good friend of mine for quite a few years and David will be the first one to tell you that when we hang out all rules are out the window. We always have a good time and if we both make it home in one piece then it was a good night. So last night we had a wine night just so we could talk and catch up. We ate and talked and talked, that girl has travelled and had some amazing stories to tell.

So, David came home from work with his house a mess and two girls sitting at the dinner table pouring more glasses of wine, eating and talking loudly between the giggles. He offered to drive Kryslte home after we were finished, and so afterwards, on the way to drive Krystle home she decided to go to her friend Jays house. David turned down Jay’s driveway and Krsytle got out and ran to the door. We sat in the car as she ran and I said “David just wait until Krystle goes inside before we leave”... “Just wait a second until we make sure Jays home and she’s inside”... “Just wait a second” the next thing I know we’re backing out of the driveway, halfway down the street. We never saw if Krsylte made it inside, because David ignored me and just reversed out of the driveway. THEN halfway down the street David finally speaks “Should we have waited till she was inside?” *Pissed*

Anyway no worries, Jay was home and Kryslte is alive and made it inside.

So to end this post I decided to post the video I made for Krystle for Christmas

- D

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding

Alrighty so William and Kate finally wed today and I like many others woke up a little earlier to watch. My alarm usually goes off at 6:30am and instead I set it for 6:00am. I rushed into the spare bedroom (which is also my walk in closet, I am a little spoiled) and flicked on the tv. I saw that I still had time to hop in the shower and get out before the ceremony began. So I hurried my little behind in and out of the shower and came out just in time to see everyone start arriving. Now if you’re one of those many people who is against watching the royal wedding and all that then fine, to each their own. For me *sigh* I felt like I just got married on tv as well (if u don't understand, ask any female and she was living vicariously through Kate Middleton too). I admit I like hockey, playing baseball, throwing a Frisbee for hours and attending punk concerts but I am also still a girl.

This brings me to a warning note to the men reading this who have girlfriends. The warning is: when we attend weddings with you, expect a fight after. Here is why:
1.)  There is obviously free liquor, which we will all take advantage of, so our emotions will be in over drive
2.)  We just witnessed our friend/family member/ complete stranger just have their princess day (remember we dream about this day the day we start dreaming) Emotions in over drive
3.)  We’re wearing a pretty dress that we spent to much money on for the ceremony, but as soon as we see the beautiful bride we realize we are wearing the most ugly outfit in the entire world (this is the booze fault)
4.)  We are talking with our girlfriends about the special day (and we usually have been for the previous week as the bacherlotte party is usually in this time frame) and we plan every detail only to realize it’s useless because the day isn’t happening for awhile for us.
5.)  By the first dance the first two points are in full over drive and we start thinking that we may never get that day, and or we want that day right now (more sadness)
The only solution to this situation is to allow us to run our course, we may yell, give you the silent treatment or just give you dirty looks and say we don’t want to be around you. But just know this, we love you regardless and the next morning we may or may not apologize (or remember) and after a few days everything will go back to normal and you’ll be a happy couple again.
My parents on their wedding day
Back to the Royal Wedding, when Kate finally stepped out of the car and her wedding dress was revelled I was shocked to see that she was wearing the  same dress my mom wore to her wedding. I knew my mom would be elated over this (and when I saw her latter she was). This is awesome because obviously the new trend will be Kate’s dress and thankfully I now have one at my disposal (if my mom can get it restored).  
Ironically I had a conversation with my mom a few days ago, and I asked her when would I get married? She replied “You will someday Danielle, when the time is right” (the typical reassuring speech a mother is suppose to give her daughter) after a sigh I said “I know, but I don’t want to be an old bride” She replied “Now don’t worry I was 25 when I got married and......oh wait you’re going to be 25 next year, Nevermind” (ouch to the ego). David and I are just fine, fully in love and fully established as a couple, we’ve been together for a long time (not saying the years) and we are not rushing into anything because our lives are already perfect together.
So congratulations to Will and Kate and may they live a happy life together. I am already so lucky for the happy life I have with David and not a day goes by that I don’t love him just a little more.
-         D

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Job Hunt Continues...

Well I've been super busy lately, which is both a good and bad thing.

One of my best friend Jamie (who I haven't seen in two years) was down for her father's surprise birthday party (HAPPY 50TH DAVE!) and so on Saturday I went to that at the Oakland Pub which was fun (especially when the karaoke started) . Then I had a girls night on Sunday with my EVO girls (Shelley and Jamie). So as you can imagine I was too dead yesterday after work to think of anything witty to say. Today I still feel the same way, so I thought I'd make this blog post about my hunt for the perfect job which fits perfectly  with this hilarious video my aunt Janet had sent me.....enjoy

PS: If anyone knows of a Human Resource Assistant job opening, I'm open to suggestions!

- D